I am pushing my self to believe that Greek policy makers will meet the challenges with which the country is confronted. We are in a point of time where in our country, the strategic alternatives are much worse than the given course. It is impossible though for me to understand the premature optimism that I receive from many friends here, in a point of time where the future of our country is still at stake. And this lack of understanding optimism from my side, is because of the total reluctance to tackle unemployment.
I also think that the vast majority of the Greek citizens, sick and tired from the financial turbulence is still having hard time to understand what "kratos" is as a political entity, what is the meaning of the Constitution and why there is a need for drastic Constitutional reform, and our "responsibilities to oversight" as knowledgeable citizens who are the genuine stakeholders of the political entity that is called Greece.
The previous months I have tried to understand how other countries went through their own crisis, and managed to walk out even stronger and more successful. I have studied too much information and listened in person top officials that went through likewise situations. I have heard many opinions across the Atlantic and tried to catch up the full picture.
I strongly believe in a strong United Europe because that was the vision of my generation. To be able to survive global economic or political competition. A United Europe that combines Financial Strength with Social Justice and equal opportunities.
I have finally concluded that the basic model for the unemployment reduction and economic boost without any prejudice, should be a German model. I am talking for Agenda 2010. Agenda 2010 has been introduced from Gerhard Schroeder the years between 2003-2005.
Chancellor Schroeder introduced a set of crystal clear liberal measures, for the reduction of useless and excessive costs, tax reductions, a more flexible labor market, drastic cuts in employers payments, total structural reorganization for the Labor office, Social Insurance reforms. At the same time the welfare state through the reform guaranteed that people have a right to protection in situations that pose a threat to their existence.
What were the results of implementing Agenda 2010 in the German economy? Among many other competitive advantages, unemployment reduction even bellow the unemployment prior the economic boom, and an increase of the number of workforce, even bypassing the problem of the aging population.
At this point, we are each and everyone of us responsible for the future of this country, don't have any doubt about that. It is well known from previous crises in other high income countries, that there is a considerable time gap between the painful decisions to implement the reforms and the advantages that show up in a later stage.
For the time being Greece is indeed in dire straits......